What is ring spinning | What is ring frame in textile | Ring spinning process
Ring spinning, a widely used and tried-and-true spinning method, is one of the first machine-oriented spinning methods used for spinning staple fiber.
Prior to reaching the finished item or the yarn packaging, staple fibers like cotton and wool must go through a number of steps.
What is Ring Spinning?
Due to the significant benefits of the new spinning process, ring spinning is the most popular type of spinning equipment. A technique for spinning fibers, such as cotton, flax, or wool, into yarn, is called ring spinning.When ring spinning, the roving is first attenuated with drawing rollers, spun, then wound around a rotating spindle that is housed inside an independently moving ring flyer. In the past, ring frames could only be used for coarse counts, although semi-skilled personnel could operate them.
Ring Frame |
What is Ring Frame?
Ring frame material passing study object:
- Study of the Ring frame's material passing
- The goal is to use the provided roving and drafting to create the necessary count of yarn.
- To give the yarn a sufficient amount of twist.
- Putting yarn on a bobbin.
- To correctly construct the yarn package.
Main Parts Ring Frame?
- Creel
- Guide roller
- Trumpet
- Drafting rollers
- Traveler
- Ring
- Spindle
- Yarn guide
- Lappet
- Balloon controlling ring
Ring Frame Specification?
- Name of manufacturer: Platts.
- Ring dia: 6.2 cm
- Lift of the bobbin: 9"
- No of the spindle: 64
Ring spinning frame process?
The roving bobbin that makes up the feed material for the speed frame is set up on the creel. The machine is equipped with an umbrella-style creel. The feed material is then fed into the drafting zone by being fed through the trumpet and under the guide rollers. In this case, a draft is added to the roving.
The material course is controlled by a lappet, while the balloon formation and spinning tension are controlled by a balloon controlling ring. The traveler's rotation around the ring in this instance twists the roving. The ring policeman is then wrapped with the yarn.
Objects Of Ring Spinning Frame?
The main components of ring spinning are as follows:- The roving fed to the ring frame must be drafted.
- Twisting to alter the fiber strand's strength.
- To wrap the yarn around the bobbin in a way that is ideal for processing, storage, and transportation.
- In order to wind the finished yarn onto a bobbin.
Basic Principles of Ring Spinning?
The following are some of the fundamental tenets of ring spinning:
- Drafting process until the necessary fineness is achieved, to reduce roving.
- Mechanism of Consolidation of Strength twisting the fiber to give it strength.
- The mechanism for winding and package formation is to wound the finished yarn into a container that may be stored, transported, and processed further.
Main Operations Of Ring Spinning Machine?
- Creeling
- Drafting
- Twisting
- Winding
- Doffing
- Building
This procedure manually introduces the drawn sliver from the sliver can into the draft zone.Drafting
To draft, or pass, a piece of metal through three or four sets of rollers of varying speeds in order to decrease the weight per unit length.Twisting
To create a turn within the drafted material's fiber to keep them together.Winding
Must properly wind the roving or position the bobbin so that it can be utilized in the following machine.Doffing
Doffing is the process of switching a fully wound bobbin out for an empty one.Building
By using this method, the roving is wound on the bobbin's whole length in a way that makes handling, transferring, and feeding it to the ring frame easier.Ring Spinning Process?
- The proper holders are used to creeling the roving bobbins.
- Guide rods exit the roving and enter the drafting configurations.
- The drafting arrangements lessen the roaming to the final count.
- The drawing setups have an angle ranging from 45 to 60 degrees.
- The fiber strand is twisted after leaving the front rollers to add strength.
- The strand receives one twist for each turn of the spindle.
- The spindle, which revolves quickly, produces the twist.
- Two possible twisting directions are "S" and "Z."
- The spinning of the yarn is now complete.
- The front roll, also known as the delivery speed and traveler rational speed, regulates the number of twists incorporated into the yarn.
- The yarn winds on the package as a result of the difference in speed between the traveler and the spindle.
- The ring diameter, which must be small to increase spindle rotation at the same traveler speed, sets a restriction on the size of the yarn bundle.
- In practice, spindle speed (n spindle) is substituted for traveler speed in the equation above because spindle speed is marginally higher.
- Twisting happens concurrently with yarn winding.
Features Of A Good Ring Spinning Machine?
- Best raw material possible.
- Good yet with an excessively smooth surface.
- a level terrain.
- the right relationship between the diameters of the ring and bobbin tubes.
- Vertical orientation.
- On the spindle, it needs to be perfectly centered.
- precise roundness
- in good working order.
- The surface hardness is higher than a traveler and good.
- A long operating life.
Drafts, Twists, and Winding Speed?
- The ratio of delivery speed to feeding speed is known as the draft.
- The ratio of spindle speed to delivery speed is known as the twist.
- The delivery speed is inversely correlated with the winding speed.
- By adding more twists, and yarn contracts.
- Traveler speed/Linear Relationship
- In the equation above, the traveler speed can be roughly equivalent to the spindle speed.
- An increase in traveler speed will lead to an improvement in productivity.
Traveler Speed/Linear Relationship?
- In the equation above, the traveler speed can be roughly equivalent to the spindle speed.
- An increase in traveler speed will lead to an improvement in productivity.
- weighted arm.
- three top rollers are pressed.
- three maximum bottom cylinders.
- which rotate at various rates. Depending on the type of fiber, the first bottom cylinder and top roller rotate very slowly, the intermediate ones 10 to 20 percent quicker, and the front bottom cylinder and top roller 12 to 30 times faster. Due to the weights on the top rollers and the varying speeds, the raw material which are below the drafting system. The name of the ring spinning machine is derived from the metal ring.
- By increasing the friction between the fibers, the twist enhances the mass of the fibers' strength.
- The fiber mass is now referred to as yarn in this stage. On a bobbin that is attached to the spindle, the yarn is wound. The spindles spin at between 10,000 and 14,000 rpm for wool and between 18,000 and 25,000 rpm for cotton. The number of twists in a meter of yarn ranges from 300 to 2,000.
- Different loads can be placed on the top rollers thanks to the weighted arm. Helical springs, which can be mechanically changed in phases, typically achieve this.
- which is supplied into the drafting machine, drawn, and in that event the thread thins out by a factor of 12 to 30. To increase the clamping impact, the top rollers are covered in rubber cots.
- The fiber mass is transported between two little rubber belts known as the top and bottom aprons, which are located between the middle and front rollers.
- A top apron cradle tensions and directs the top apron For the best yarn quality, the aprons must run continuously and smoothly.
- A metal ring with a rotating traveler and a rotating spindle twists the fiber mass as it exits the final top roller and bottom cylinder of the drafting system.
Additionally, the spaces between the rollers must be movable. To prevent single fibers from being torn between the clamping points of the top rollers and bottom cylinders, the spacing must be greater than the length of the longest fibers.
Ring Spinning |
How Ring Spinning affects the quality of the yarn industry?
The initial stage of post spinning, known as ring spinning, involves hanging the yarn made from roving on a ring machine. The ring process is the center of the textile factory, and there are many variables that might affect the quality of the yarn.
- The speed of the machine has a significant impact on the quality of the yarn; as the speed of the ring machine increases, so do the yarn's imperfections (Neps 200 percent, Thick +50, Thin -50).
- Hairiness is a side effect of the ring fabrication process that is mostly brought on by burning traveler movement and high machine speed.
- The process of ring spinning is the final step in which the CV% of yarn count can be decreased. CV% of the count is also very important.
- From a quality standpoint, the imperfection of yarn count is so significant that every customer demanded this quality requirement, that the defect should be as small as feasible.
- When making yarn, the ring spinning process also affects twist variation. Major issues arise when working on the following process result.